3430 2nd Street, Baltimore, MD
Qualified for a LEED Gold rating, this adaptive reuse project is a high performance three story urban loft-style office building within the historic shell of an 80 year old, 24,000 square foot cabinet factory. Beneath the new topping slabs, hydronic piping heats and cools the open plan spaces. On the roof, a 28-panel solar array provides energy to heat water in cooler months. A geothermal heat pump provides cooled and heated water when solar energy is unavailable. Existing materials such as masonry, bearing walls, and timber floor framing were left in place and exposed, while new cleaning techniques and applied finishes were selected on the basis of sustainable attributes.
- 25,000 GSF Ground Floor Retail and Restaurant
- 25,000 GSF 2nd Floor Office
- New Office Lobby
- Bio-Retention Basin & Living Roof
- Award - ICSC New Development Commendation, 2017
- Status : Completed 2014
- Scope of Services : Full Architectural